- June 17, 2016
- Posted by: Prabhu
- Category: Quality Engineering

A Huge Blow to: Nature, Technology, Human life
NASA, in 1980’s working on Ozone layer project was unable to find a big hole in Ozone till 1985 due to the error in Data analysis software.
Ariane 5 rocket launched on June 1996 failed to place the satellites into earth orbit and it exploded within 40 seconds. $370 million lost due to flaw in inertial reference system.
In 1993, 29 passengers died in flight crash owing to a single failure in flight control software.
Error ………….. Flaw ………….. Failure ………….. What’s it mean by? Who’s that?
Hi it’s me. My name is Bug, “The BUG”
My History, A big Mystery…
Who coined my name? Only question am still searching for an answer.
My Friend said that her name is Grace Hopper. She had faced an issue in her electromechanical computer and later Grace found me at the part of relay switch and they pasted me in their logbook too.
But I came into existence in 1889 itself since I was a big enemy to engineers and technologists at that time and later on to the pioneers of computer.
Other friend gave me a proof that a 26 year old Engineer found an issue in his message signal and he said my name first as “Bug” and he is none other than Thomas Edison.
Alongside his great inventions, he mentioned me in his notebook as “Awful lot of bugs still. Let [Dr. Otto] Moses try…to rid us of them.” ” (1)
Bug Trackers, the one who ruin my life.
I am “A nightmare”, “Headache”, “P-I-T-A” to all software developers around the globe. However, developers and testers strive hard to detect me through manual testing process and test automation with the help of testing tools, Automation frameworks & various defect tracking tools.
I get irate when I get chased out or tracked by open source tools such as Selenium, Watir and Bugzilla, Mantis, Trac to name a few. They don’t understand my struggle to evolve within a software. I’m not that cheap.
Price tag for my head, do you know?
The best software testing tools in the market are spending billions of dollars to get rid of me from software products.
Recently, I read an article from Nelson hall research group that the budget and market size for software testing is predicted to grow $34 billion by the end of 2017.
But, everyone knows that it’s just a ballpark figure, as their headache increases in finding me then the price tag for my head will increase too (Directly proportional).
Also, I am gobsmacked to see enterprises investing on commercial software testing tools.
Here is the glimpse of the license cost of some of the popular commercial testing tools in the market. Test Studio Ultimate costs $3,499, TestComplete for Web, Mobile & Desktop costs $2,398, $3,118 & $2,398 respectively, Visual Studio Test Professional costs $ 2,571 and UFT (QTP) costs $8000 – $12000.
Undoubtedly, I am one of the wealthiest nonliving things without a shape & size in this world.
Few years ago, I was just a bug, but now I am everywhere. Would you like to know? Why not! See who I Am. Here are my different forms:
• Arithmetic bugs
• Logic bugs
• Syntax bugs
• Resource bugs
• Multi-threading programming bugs
• Interfacing bugs
• Performance bugs
• Concurrent access anomaly
Despite several investments from enterprises and tool vendors to eliminate me, my growth has never been hindered. I am growing with the complexity of the applications.
I’d seen how software developers suffered to resolve the issue in 2000, the Millennium Bug (Y2K). My dear friends, I am just curious to know how you are going to prepare yourself for 2038? The Unix Millennium Bug- I’ll be around !